Wednesday, July 29, 2009

New Place=New Chapter

I feel as if my age is lining up with my circumstances.


It's in South County and about 2 seconds from the mall and around so many great restaurants and stores! Did I mention it's RIGHT BY 270 and it will take me about 20 minutes MAX to get to work in the morning...YEAH!!!

I'm super pyched and cannot wait to begin this new chapter in my life! I'm 23 and I'm finally moving out on my own for the first time ever. No roommates, no splitting bills and rent 4 ways, no waiting to use the shower...just me, my stuff, and my baby coming over to cuddle. :)

Life is good my friends, tis good indeed!

Here's a pic of what the property looks like...

Move in date: 9/19/09...the start of a GREAT new chapter in the life of Miss Emily Rose!!!

Be blessed!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Week 2 of this out of town business...


Well, day 3 in week number 2 of Paul's adventure 3 hours away from me and I'm missing him like usual.

To keep my mind off of that, I've been gearing up for the next step in my life and our life together. I got pre-approved for an apartment in South County which is not even 5 seconds from the South County Mall...woohoo! It's really cute and totally in our price range.

A pic of the living room and a little of the dining area and kitchen...

Here's the lovely in-ground pool and fitness center...

There are sooo many good things about it. Only 20 minutes from work. About 10 minutes from church! And did I mention it was like 5 SECONDS from the Mall!!! :) So many great places around to eat. Still gotta find out where the nearest grocery store is, but at this point, I've 2 right by my work so that wouldn't be a huge deal whatsoever. There's access to the pool, fitness center, and tanning bed. Awesomeness.

I feel like such a grown-up. I got approved all by myself. No co-signer or anything! That makes me feel really good about myself.

So I've been making lists upon lists of necessities. I feel like I've lived this life before...Ana knows what I'm talking about...planning for LA was an ordeal and a half and I visited craigslist on a regular basis.

But now the big question is when? When do I move forward to start this new life? I wanted to do September, but I feel like God is putting it on my heart to wait until October only to make it easier on the both of us. I'd get one more month to put some more dough back for the wedding/honeymoon. That is a constant thing on my brain. Constant. By the end of August, I'll have plenty, but always want a cushion. *Sigh*

Keep pushing forward.

Peace and Love.

Friday, July 17, 2009


You're in my heart
You're on my mind
The thoughts of you cirlce around
They make me smile
They make my world

Without you
life seems empty
what did I do before you?
I can't seem to remember...

I miss you.
So much it hurts.
How many more days?
Hours seem like days
And days seem like months

So the countdown continues
to when we will be one
Life never seemed this meaningful
but it does now because of you

because of your love.
for me.
for us.
for what we are and will be.

I love you.
So much.

Monday, July 13, 2009

These next 2 weeks are gonna be difficult!

Paul left this morning for an out of town job that will keep him from my presence for the next 2 weeks. He'll come back this weekend. There's a possibility that I will see him Friday night, but who knows. It's hard when you are used to spending every day with your best friend and then they are gone for awhile. This time a part will be good for us and good for me to take a breather and have some alone time with God and my own thoughts. That could be a bad thing if I let it, but I'm not gonna let it.

This Monday was looking pretty scary at work. I was not really in the mood to deal with patients. Just having a case of the Mondays I suppose...

I'm having a better day now that I have my cherry pepsi at hand. :) It's the little things that help me get through my day.

In other news...
Count-down to the wedding...145 more days!
Got approved for a Kohls credit card-this means my credit is hopefully getting better and will greaten our chances for apartments and home-loans and what-not. Big girl stuff!

Anyway, slow work week. People really don't have the dough to spend on $450 orthotics I suppose. Hope y'all have a good week!

Peace & Love.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Having another one of those...


I'm also extremely hormonal so that does not help either.

I'm not going to try to complain in this post, but TRY to just talk.

I have had massive headaches, all-day-long headaches, for the past month and on and off again headaches for probably the past 4. I know that there are several reasons for these headaches, stress, caffeine withdrawls, lack of water, lack of sleep, poor diet, and finally have figured out the big one...old lenses prescription...7 years old. No wonder I have had these headaches! My eyes are like..."You idiot! We are so tired...what are you doing to us??!!!"

So I stayed home today to rest those strained eyeballs and get an eye exam scheduled ASAP. Because lenses are so friggin expensive, I've got to dip into my savings, which is for the wedding. And that is where my stress comes from...saving up for the biggest day of my entire life. It seems like everywhere I turn, I'm having trouble with saving up. I spend 300 is gas alone every month just to get to work. I'm still commuting and it is the one thing I loathe more than anything. I'm staying in New Baden just to save on money because of rent issues. *Sigh*

Meanwhile in the land of Emily brain sends me around in circles. When I end up talking to Paul about it, I sound crazy because I repeat myself without meaning to. It also doesn't help because I'm constantly wishing I was younger. I find myself wanting to go back to the days where all I had to worry about was waking up to go to class. Maybe as humans we are never satisified with our circumstances. And that's where I get the most frustrated. I was so happy to graduate last May and leave the stress of college behind me. What about being happy to leave the stressful auditions behind me as well? Several months ago, I would have killed to have a job and save me from my facebook and blogging boredom. Not to mention the nanny days...boooorrrrinnggg....

And yet, here I sit, whining about how I hate being a grown-up. How I miss summer vacation. How I miss performing in Disney's High School Musical with everyone. How I miss listening to music and journaling all day long. I have no idea why. Maybe it's because it's July and I should be swimming and playing outside. I have experienced full-time work for the first time in my life and I got so caught up in that, that I almost forgot it was summer. Sitting in an office at a computer was not what I wanted for my life, but it's what will do for now as we save up for a life together. *Sigh* Do we all wish to be kids again? I love having Paul. If I could have that and be a kid at the same time, I think that would be my idea of heaven. And maybe that's what heaven is like. A life as a child with no stress or worldly obligations such as work, bills, or health problems.

Yes, I'm having one of those days today. Questioning my future. Questioning my desires. Questioning myself and my passions. Putting one foot in front of the other and trusting that God knows best. It's just so difficult to sit "here" when you want to be "there." Wherever "there" is...I have no idea.

Another day goes by...