Monday, July 13, 2009

These next 2 weeks are gonna be difficult!

Paul left this morning for an out of town job that will keep him from my presence for the next 2 weeks. He'll come back this weekend. There's a possibility that I will see him Friday night, but who knows. It's hard when you are used to spending every day with your best friend and then they are gone for awhile. This time a part will be good for us and good for me to take a breather and have some alone time with God and my own thoughts. That could be a bad thing if I let it, but I'm not gonna let it.

This Monday was looking pretty scary at work. I was not really in the mood to deal with patients. Just having a case of the Mondays I suppose...

I'm having a better day now that I have my cherry pepsi at hand. :) It's the little things that help me get through my day.

In other news...
Count-down to the wedding...145 more days!
Got approved for a Kohls credit card-this means my credit is hopefully getting better and will greaten our chances for apartments and home-loans and what-not. Big girl stuff!

Anyway, slow work week. People really don't have the dough to spend on $450 orthotics I suppose. Hope y'all have a good week!

Peace & Love.

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