Monday, January 28, 2013

Do You Know WHO'S You Are?

Here are my notes to the message I taught on 1/13/2013 at CORE...

The world seeks to find a label for you from the moment you are born. Society wants to categorize you and put you into a box with everyone else like you. But God has created you with His own hands and has called you to NOT be like everyone else.

He told Jeremiah:
"Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you; before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations." (Jeremiah  1:5, NIV)

Growing up, you are labeled as a daughter, a son, a brother or a sister, the youngest child, the oldest child, the only child, or the baby. All centered around being a part of a family, which is how God sees us, being a part of His family. But once you are in school, for many of us, this is where we step foot into the world’s system and the world’s categories. You are labeled as your grade, or you are smart, advanced, dumb, slow or if you didn’t go to public school, you have an entirely different category…home-schooled. And everyone in public school thinks you’re weird. Once in high school, you are then put into more categories regarding your personality and what you do: athlete/jock, cheerleader, math-geek, drama geeks, band nerds, stoners, partiers, rich kids, poor kids, etc.

And on top of all of that, your entire time spent in the education institution you are trying to figure out who you will be when you grow up. Your whole life existence from that point is founded on one thing, your career. And as we know, we are NOT our job position.
Those who try to find their identity in what they do will always be searching for their ultimate purpose and will never find fulfillment in life.


Because there is only one position that will ever give you a sense of purpose.

You are a child of God! You are His!

When you receive Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, you are then ADOPTED into the family of God. But many of us continue to look for purpose on our walk with God, working to achieve His love, instead of just trusting in it.
John 1:12-13 (NKJV) says:
Speaking of Jesus, “But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name: who were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.”


Our God is King of Kings and Lord of Lords and we are called sons of God because of our FAITH IN CHRIST!

ADOPTION in Greek “huiothesia”=adoption as sons, sonship; in NT culture a son received greater inheritance and honor, but in Christ men and women inherit equally.

We must walk in the Spirit (which means praying, listening, and remaining fully obedient to the Father at all times) to use our faith and denounce any kind of worldly mentality which will only bring bondage (ROMANS 8:1-9;12-17).

When we make a decision based upon our flesh, it is going to eventually end in death because our flesh eventually dies. But if we make a decision based upon God’s Spirit and in Jesus, it will be eternal because in Jesus, there’s life eternally and NO CONDEMNATION.

“…our acceptance with God has to do with nothing but faith in Christ. God is very unimpressed with your performance, but He is deeply impressed with Christ’s performance. When you put childlike faith in Christ, Christ’s performance record is credited to you. Faith in Christ unlocks the Father’s heart to you. When you believe on His beloved Son, the Father’s heart explodes in affirmation and acceptance and delight-totally independently of your diligence or lack thereof” (The Secrets of the Secret Place, Bob Sorge).

READ MARK 1:9-11 (The Father was pleased with Him even before He did one miracle or went to the cross. He sees our heart and sees the end from the beginning).

You find such freedom when you finally realize you can rest in knowing that Jesus paid for your performance (AND YOU HAVE BEEN FORGIVEN) and by accepting that, God sees you as His daughter or son. You are so loved by the Father. Nothing will be able to change that. (ROMANS 8:38-39) He will always love you, but He doesn’t always agree with the decisions you have made in your life outside of His best (His will). That’s why we must seek Him for direction, so we remain in His will.

When we fully understand God’s love for us and that we BELONG to Him as a daughter or a son, everything in us wants to love Him back with all that we have. Suddenly we find ourselves longing to be with Him all the time and be obedient to all that He asks of us. We long to sit at His feet and gaze into His eyes and hear His voice. Our prayer life is not seen as a chore but as a privilege. We are privileged to be a child of God in the earth and do His will every day wherever He sends us. The earth is longing for us to reveal Him. (ROMANS 8:18-19)


HABAKKUK 2:14 For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea. (NIV)

We will reveal God’s glory by standing up as an army of the sons and daughters of the Living God proclaiming His love for the whole world and explaining how He sent Jesus to die for them-the gospel! How will they know if we don’t fully grasp that we have been given the RIGHT to become the sons and daughters of God? The harvest is great, but the laborers are few because many don’t know that they don’t have to strive or work for their position as a son or daughter of God. They just have to believe and walk in it. Father God, through Jesus, would never give us a command to “go into all the world and preach the gospel” and not give us help. HE DID! We have the Holy Spirit…another amazing gift from above! (Luke 11:9-13)

So what are you believing for? What are you asking for? Are you coming to the Father boldly as a son or daughter? Or do you still see God as a dog-trainer somewhere up in heaven just waiting to punish you for your wrong? Remember, there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. Step into your position NOW as a daughter or son of the Most High God. He’s waiting for you with open arms ready to tell you how much He loves you and how proud He is of you for running this race for Him. Running without time alone with God is the work of a slave and we aren’t slaves, we are His children! Knowing this will fuel you to go out and tell the world about Jesus! You are His beloved child in whom He is well pleased. Trust in that. Trust in Jesus. Trust in His love. 
