Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Refiner's Fire

Refine me like gold.
Purify me until I shine like the Son.
Purge my heart of all that does not belong...all that doesn't look like You.
Take me through the fire and consume me with Your love.
Refine me like gold.
Gold is a symbol of Your divine character.
When I am refined like gold,
I am shining with Your divine nature, Your glory.
Pure and spotless
without blemish
Like Your Church
Like Your Bride.
You will return soon
coming on clouds with fire
Your Bride will meet You
And we will reign with You forever.
We must be refined individually
as members of Your Body,
Your Church, Your Bride first
before we shine as a whole.
So stir up a desire in all of us
to be pure
and spotless
and holy
like You.
Refine us like gold.
Cleanse us with Your Blood
until we shine like You.

(written on 8/6/2012)

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