Monday, March 15, 2010

Mondays are...

blah when it is rainy and gloomy outside and you'd rather be at home cuddled in bed with your hubby.

But alas, this is not an option at this time of day.


Found a new project to work on...I'm going to "blurb" our wedding album. I think it's much easier to display on a coffee table then a big ol' chunky photo album. I probably will find some way to use my scrapbooking skills to create a more "hands on" type of album, but I feel like I could definitely tell our story through pictures and words using this type of publishing tool. So, we'll see how much time it will take up. I'm not good a projects that take take time to complete. I like the kind that I can complete in one sitting. This will teach me patience and time management. :)

I realize how starving my artist side is lately. I have always thrived at picture collages and scrapbooking and creative writing: none of which I have done in a long time. And I miss it.

Need to find some time to try...

What projects are you working on in your spare time?

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