So my life seems to have been running out ahead of me as I trail behind it yelling "Hey! Wait for me!!!"
Let's just say life got shoved into hyper-drive in the matter of a few weeks. And I now know the meaning of ADULTHOOD......WORK. Yes,'s what I do now. And it feels really good, but at the same time I definitely don't feel like a kid any more. I may not have my own place, but there are things that I go without now that used to be at the center of my life because I had the freedom to do pretty much whatever I wanted if it was outside of theatre and the classroom.
I now understand why the weekends are so precious to so many working individuals. You need it! To catch your breath, to relax your body and mind. To rejuvinate before Monday comes learing around the corner. I truly love my new job. I'm good at it (not to sound too proud). But I give all the glory to my Maker for giving me the brains to be an amazing multi-tasker, organizer, and number-cruncher! I never thought I would enjoy working in an office, but it's perfect for a person like me who needs constant mind stimulation. Acting was good emotional stimulation, but now that I have God and Paulie, I've gotten that taken care of. I never had to use my thinking skills, my mind, my brain to dive into acting. I mean, yes, I had to use my mind pychologically. It was challenging emotionally, but it was never really the REAL mental challenge (not mentally challenged, lol...mental that can be I needed. I haven't had to use these math, communication, and organizational skills since I was in high school. College was stressful only because I was never stimulating my whole mind and never pushed it to where I know it could go because of how God made me.
I'm not really sure what I'm supposed to be "when I grow up" (professionally speaking), but I do know I'm called to be a servant of God, a strong and compassionate wife, and a loving mother. And it looks like I'm headed down the right path so far. :) I love being Paul's fiance. I couldn't ask for a better title (well, until 'wife' comes along in 8 months...). I love him with all of my heart and love sharing my life experiences with someone so precious and amazing like Paul.
I also don't know if/when I will go back to theatre. I'm still performing all the time at church. Singing in the youth band and performing as "POW" the superhero bible character (lol...never thought I would ever say that word combonation) for the children's ministry. It's more fulfilling than any of those characters I have played in the past because I'm impacting children's lives and their walk with God. What could be more meaningful than that? Definitely better than cussing someone out or stripping on stage. Drenched with pride and arrogance and confused out of my mind as to what is right and wrong. Wondering why I didn't get the part because "I'm so much prettier and talented than her!" My goodness have I come a long way from that life. Thank God that He loves me enough to not let me stay the same and to constantly change me.
Anyway, I guess I was feeling in a writing mood today. I just wanted to reflect a little bit on how far I've come.
I'm full of the fruits of the Spirit today as I remember what today is. Our Savior died for us on this Good Friday and He is Risen and we get to celebrate it all this weekend! Praise the Lord! I feel so loved. Warm and fuzziness. :)
I hope you all have a beautiful Easter weekend!
Peace & Love.
i miss you tooooooooo! happy good friday! :)
No logic, just FAITH.
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