I stayed home today because my body was screaming at me to do so. I've been running myself ragged for over a month and my immune system is definitely showing it. But it was nice to get a chance to sleep in, clean my messy room, put away laundry that has been sitting for a week, and do some ironing. *Sigh*
Sometimes I wonder whose life I'm leading since it's changed so drastically in one year. Can you believe that one year ago I was getting ready to graduate college? I can't. It seems like yesterday, but at the same time, it feels like forever ago. I'm now getting ready for marriage. It's weird how life works. You get used to something for a few years and then suddenly, your life takes a turn and you're older. Most people, like me, are in gradeschool for 6-7 years, then junior high for 2-3 years, high school for 4 years, and then college for 4-6, and some people continue schooling for 2-5 more years after that. Each time you reach a new level of education, your environment changes, your mindset changes. And each time, you have to get used to the person you are becoming.
I've noticed over and over again that I am not the Emily of a year ago. God did some MAJOR changes to my heart and mind this year and oddly enough, it began shortly after I escaped the grip of education. I no longer could look to the instituation of education to define me. I wasn't a freshman, sophomore, junior, or senior any more. I wasn't a cheerleader, band-o, SETO officer, or theatre major. I eventually started to lose the title of "actress" as well. I had to learn how to be Emily Rose. Just me. And let me tell you....it's hard to find yourself when you have been told who you are by someone else your whole life. I'm reminded of the labeling every single time I log onto facebook and I'm bombarded by people from my past. Pictures, stories of cast-parties, and people complaining about writing papers and freaking out about projects that are due. I work now. Yep. I spend my days working in an office, in front of a computer and answering phones. A job I NEVER thought I would be good at, let alone enjoy. But I do and that weirds me out to no end! :) I also spend my nights volunteering at church. Performing silly skits for the kids in the Kids of Faith Ministry and singing with the youth band, Innerlight. And in between work and church, I spend time with my best friend, my fiance, Paul.
I have come to a place where it's okay that I don't have a million friends that I spend all my time with. I'm completely content with what and who God has given me to play out my days. My life is simple, yet it keeps me busy. I am who I am and I wouldn't ever want to change that.
*Sigh* I'm not really sure what this blog was about, but I know that every time I catch a glimpse of my past on facebook, I feel the need to announce the change that has entered my life. I don't party anymore, I don't really act in plays or musicals (or even have the desire...which is REALLY weird), I don't really enjoy watching plays anymore either (I don't know why that is either). I have reached another level of life called ADULTHOOD.
But I'm left wondering...when did I grow up?
I'm glad that you are happy, Emily. That is really strange, though, that you don't even enjoy watching a good play or musical anymore.
Your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. GOD loves you so rest. hehehe!
Yeah time flies so fast. Does it really fly or just run? hehehe! jk I've been reading your blog for a long time now and I can relate to what you're implying. GOD is amazing in your life, my friend.
You know what's funny? We have different school systems. It only takes us 13 years from pre-school to highschool here.
Yes you have changed a lot. You have a beautiful life now as what you testify always. It is shining, my friend. Your beautiful life with GOD is shining.
I can really relate. I surely know what you're talking about. You are a living testimony of GOD's love, grace and faithfulness. It's so difficult to find Christians now who would really practice real Christianity. I'm glad I can see JESUS CHRIST through you.
Our CHRIST who never conformed to the world but conformed to our FATHER.
I really understand the changes. You are a true Christian, Emily Rose. That I can see.
You make my heart glad just by reading your posts. GOD BLESS YOU ABUNDANTLY! P.U.S.H.
iLoveYou dearly, princess of GOD!
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