Thursday, March 6, 2014

Chasing God's Dreams

It seems that I have been made more aware as of late of the amount of distractions from the things of God and confusion that the media is bombarding our society, specifically our youth. I know that these tactics by the media are nothing new, but as each year passes, it just seems to be ever increasing and less and less salt, light, and truth can be found in that arena of our American culture.

Last night, I was asked to teach children’s church on short notice just as my husband and I were headed out the door to make it to sound check for our midweek service at our church. There was no curriculum planned for the night, and our pastor ensured me that I could speak to the kids about truly anything that the Lord had placed upon my heart. For someone who sometimes needs structure or guidelines, this massive amount of flexibility flustered me a bit, but I trusted the Lord would speak to me if I just inclined my ear if even for a moment. On the way to church, the Lord dropped the topic of dreams in my heart and told me to focus on Jeremiah 29:11 to let the children know that He has big dreams for them that are always for good and to bring them hope and a bright future. As we sat “cross-cross applesauce” in a circle on the floor, I asked each child what they dreamed of becoming when they grew up. The boys wanted to be firefighters and policemen, of course, but I was amazed that each girl in the room didn't have aspirations like that to help others and make an impact in their sphere of influence. No, they didn't want to be teachers or nurses or even mothers (it seems that not many young girls long to be that anymore…); every single little girl told me that they wanted to be either a singer, dancer, or a celebrity. I didn't stomp on their dreams, just encouraged them that they can do anything they work hard to do, but my heart was truly heavy for them.

Why was this response to be an entertainer or someone famous so common among the entire group of little girls?

Are we raising daughters to chase after approval, applause, and performance-based lifestyles?
Are they beginning to sing “I live for the applause” in their hearts instead of “I live for the Lord” or even “I live to help others?”

Do they dream of that fame and stardom because it gives them a sense of purpose or worth?

Does the thought of the response of their fans make them feel appreciated and loved?

If that is the case, then we are in danger of raising an entire generation of women looking for their worth in the wrong place. They will never find it in the applause of their audience or in the thrill of using their talents for all to see with the spotlight soley on them and their amazing abilities that make everyone feel good. There is so much God has planned for our gifts than to make people feel good!

Don’t they know that He formed them in their mother’s womb for a purpose bigger than themselves, bigger than anything the world can offer?

“Before I shaped you in the womb,
I knew all about you.
Before you saw the light of day,
I had holy plans for you…”
Jeremiah 1:5 (The Message)

An opportunity to dream with God- to help Him achieve His ultimate Kingdom plan that all may come to know Him through His Son, Jesus Christ, and become a part of His loving family not only on earth, but eternally in heaven.

So I ask you, how are you helping raise this generation to find their ultimate Kingdom purpose and find their worth in Jesus Christ alone so that they may receive the Father’s love?

I pray the Lord reveals to you how you can guide the young people He has placed around you. I also pray that the Lord would reveal your worth to you through His Word if you are also dealing with feeling valued or precious or are struggling with desires to seek approval from others thinking somehow the applause of men will fulfill you. You will only find your worth in God’s love. Nothing else will ever satisfy.

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