I'm finally a working woman! Praise God! The job is challenging and I feel like I'm being used to my fullest potential. Now I'm just waiting to get even better at it and eventually become full-time and get benefits! But I'm not gonna get too ahead of myself. Just enjoying what I have for now. And I'm so happy to be busy during the day.
Monday-Thursday I wake up at 5am and on Fridays I get to sleep until about 9ish, which is a blessing. But, I'm definitely staying busy at all times. I'm paying off debts left and right and obediently tything. It's a good feeling to not be financially drowning and also being able to take care of your family. Paying bills for other people is the reason God blesses His children with money. *Sigh* Things just feel really awesome right now. I honestly don't have anything to complain about. My Heavenly Father has been taking care of me. I feel so full of joy and peace.
Good things:
I love my new job. I make phone calls to insurance companies to verify their benefits and eligibility. I also call patients to discuss payment and set up appointments and whatnot. I really enjoy the challenges that come every day.
Paul and I have been enjoying 5 months together! :) It's funny because we've been engaged longer than we dated! LOL. OH well, we're in love! Wedding planning is coming along. Booked our reception hall, signing the contract soon. Gonna go sample wedding cakes next weekend. Seriously need to go looking for wedding dresses soon. Gotta find time to do that! I'm not freaking out yet...still got about 8 more months. I'll find it soon.
Well, I'm making some SAVE-THE-DATE cards to mail out! Back to work!
Peace & Love.
Friday, March 27, 2009
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
I'm talking like a Wisconsin-ite! Ahhhh...
I have completed 3 full days of training and have technically finished about a week and a half of training in just those 3 days! Apparently I'm catching on quick and they are about ready to turn me loose on my own. That's kinda cool. I'm learning so many new and interesting things about health insurance and different feet disabilities people deal with, especially when they get up there in age. We had this lady come in that was in her 90s. What a sweet old lady! She just wanted someone to talk to...I could tell. She probably lives alone and doesn't get out much accept for when she has her appointments. But gosh darn it, even at 90, she's still driving and making it on time for those appointments. God love her. I'm excited for that part of my job. Just being a listening ear to those who need it. :)
So I'm here in Milwaukee until Friday and have 2 more days left of training here. Next week I'll train in St. Louis and learn more and more of what I dove into this week. I'm excited to be able to handle the office on my own. It's SO much more than answering phones! It's nuts how much math I actually have to do for this job. So much new terminology to understand and memorize! But it's good to expand your mind and learn new stuff.
Tonight Paul and I checked some more things off of our wedding planning list. We moved the date back to December (per our pastor's request) and Paulie found a reception hall about 10 minutes from the church! The bonus is that we get a MAJOR discount since my Gpa is a member of the American Legion so we barely have to pay anything for the hall. Favor! We fixed our registries at Walmart and Target and figured out how to update them. I'm sure we'll do that often as time goes by. Paulie cancelled the Kohls registry since I didn't really like what we had registered for there (we were in a hurry I think). I'm thinking about registering us for JcPenney's instead. I've always liked their home decor stuff. More options I think.
On a side note, I wanted to say a little something about how important prayer is. I never realized how much prayer can change things/people/situations. I was so happy to hear about Danielle and Jordan's breakthrough yesterday. I was praying for them so much because I know there are so many people struggling right now with jobs because of this economy. But our God provides and takes care of His kids! :) Praise God! I also saw the impact of prayer on my own life: getting my voice back just in time to record the album for Innerlight. The enemy surely didn't want me to be any part of praising God, especially if it was going to be distributed to the youth of this generation! But ha! God moved that mountain and turned that situation around! The infection is totally gone and I feel so much better than I did last week. I also have been able to pay off all my credit cards and start working on my student loan debt. Not to mention being able to buy (paid in full) a brand new car. I'm definitely not hurting financially, which is probably the first time I have ever been able to say that in my life. Praise Jesus! Just keep praying and tything and believing in a breakthrough. It will happen for you too! Your breakthrough is on it's way in the name of Jesus!
Ahhh...good things, good things. So many good things!
I'll be back Friday night and CANNOT wait to see my baby. Sitting alone in a hotel room for 5 nights really isn't fun. Especially when you have to sleep in a big ol' King-sized bed alone and are aching for a cuddle-buddy. Oh well. Soon enough I'll be home where I belong. Hopefully this Northern Dialect won't stick because I find myself going in and out of the "don't cha know" and "do-dad" talk. Seriously, they say things like that. Who says "do-dads?" LOL. Silly Wisconsin. Silly silly silly. Thankfully Miss Ana is keeping me busy with our video calls on Skype (my screenname is emily.rose85 if you wanna add me). I had a good time catching up with her for 2 hours. It's so much better being able to talk to her AND see her face! :) And a lovely face at that! Love you deary.
Anyhoo...almost 9pm. Time for my nightly call to Paulie. Free calls are the best kinds! :)
Peace & Love.
So I'm here in Milwaukee until Friday and have 2 more days left of training here. Next week I'll train in St. Louis and learn more and more of what I dove into this week. I'm excited to be able to handle the office on my own. It's SO much more than answering phones! It's nuts how much math I actually have to do for this job. So much new terminology to understand and memorize! But it's good to expand your mind and learn new stuff.
Tonight Paul and I checked some more things off of our wedding planning list. We moved the date back to December (per our pastor's request) and Paulie found a reception hall about 10 minutes from the church! The bonus is that we get a MAJOR discount since my Gpa is a member of the American Legion so we barely have to pay anything for the hall. Favor! We fixed our registries at Walmart and Target and figured out how to update them. I'm sure we'll do that often as time goes by. Paulie cancelled the Kohls registry since I didn't really like what we had registered for there (we were in a hurry I think). I'm thinking about registering us for JcPenney's instead. I've always liked their home decor stuff. More options I think.
On a side note, I wanted to say a little something about how important prayer is. I never realized how much prayer can change things/people/situations. I was so happy to hear about Danielle and Jordan's breakthrough yesterday. I was praying for them so much because I know there are so many people struggling right now with jobs because of this economy. But our God provides and takes care of His kids! :) Praise God! I also saw the impact of prayer on my own life: getting my voice back just in time to record the album for Innerlight. The enemy surely didn't want me to be any part of praising God, especially if it was going to be distributed to the youth of this generation! But ha! God moved that mountain and turned that situation around! The infection is totally gone and I feel so much better than I did last week. I also have been able to pay off all my credit cards and start working on my student loan debt. Not to mention being able to buy (paid in full) a brand new car. I'm definitely not hurting financially, which is probably the first time I have ever been able to say that in my life. Praise Jesus! Just keep praying and tything and believing in a breakthrough. It will happen for you too! Your breakthrough is on it's way in the name of Jesus!
Ahhh...good things, good things. So many good things!
I'll be back Friday night and CANNOT wait to see my baby. Sitting alone in a hotel room for 5 nights really isn't fun. Especially when you have to sleep in a big ol' King-sized bed alone and are aching for a cuddle-buddy. Oh well. Soon enough I'll be home where I belong. Hopefully this Northern Dialect won't stick because I find myself going in and out of the "don't cha know" and "do-dad" talk. Seriously, they say things like that. Who says "do-dads?" LOL. Silly Wisconsin. Silly silly silly. Thankfully Miss Ana is keeping me busy with our video calls on Skype (my screenname is emily.rose85 if you wanna add me). I had a good time catching up with her for 2 hours. It's so much better being able to talk to her AND see her face! :) And a lovely face at that! Love you deary.
Anyhoo...almost 9pm. Time for my nightly call to Paulie. Free calls are the best kinds! :)
Peace & Love.
answered prayers,
Friday, March 13, 2009
Times they are a-changin'...
So I had my orientation yesterday at my new job. I have no idea what I'm going to be doing yet, but I'll find that out soon at training. I'm going to be learning something completely out of my element. Which I think is good for me. You should always continue to learn more, continue to grow. Expand your horizons, ya know.
Got my sunroof put it, and today is a wonderful to day to have it open but I'm currently nannying and won't be able to do so until about 6ish. Oh well, I've got plenty more sunny days to enjoy in the future!

I've been getting a lot of new things lately. New wardrobe: shoes, pants, shirts, jewlery, etc. And new music to jam to. I'm typing this blog on my new laptop. It was a good deal at Best Buy. It's a Toshiba and it has a webcam installed. I signed up for a Skype account so me and Miss Ana can chat! :) That's cool beans! Oh yeah, new hair do!

Hmm...what else is new with me? Um, oh yeah! I started losing my voice Sunday night and by Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday it was completely gone. Yesterday was the first day I could speak instead of whisper and now I can actually hit notes when I sing! I thank you all for the prayers. I could tell that the good Lord was working His wonders on me. I'll be able to record the album with "Innerlight" tomorrow and make beautiful music with my baby! I'm singing vocals on one of the songs he wrote for the band. We're gonna record some more tunes as well to be able to compile into a CD for Cry Out at Faith Church St. Louis. Check out the Cry Out Myspace Page for details of the event....you should come! http://www.myspace.com/cryoutonline
I leave for Milwaukee on Sunday. I'll stay up to date on here because I'm sure I'll be bored in the hotel all alone and can't call Paulie until 9pm. Ugh. He's gonna be out of town as well so it kind of worked out in a way. We'll be so happy to see each other Friday night it won't even be funny. Nah, it probably will be funny cuz we act pretty goofy when we're around each other. :)
Oh, wedding stuff:
New date...earlier than expected. September instead of December.
We registered for gifts! We're registered at Target, Walmart, and Kohls. That made so much stuff real for us. Shopping for our home...it was special. :)
Still haven't shopped for my dress. Need to do that. SOON!
Secured the reception hall.
Pretty much found a photographer.
Finalizing guest list tonight.
Writing the invitation wording tonight.
Ah...almost there! :)
Anyway, back to looking up honeymoon stuff.
Peace & Love.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
This whole living-one-day-at-a-time-thing is kinda nice!
So as a request from a dear friend from faraway...I'm updating my blog! :)
Life has been utter polka dots and moonbeams. I fall in love with Paul more and more every day, I'm growing deeper in my faith, and I'm being showered with blessings everywhere I turn! New car, new designer purse, ultra-clean room, good times goofing around with my fiance in the church parking lot....you know, the usual.
My unemployment is coming to an end as I start my new job on the 16th! I'm so excited to do something more than clean my room and surf the internet during the day!
I've been anticipating our marriage more than usual lately. I started looking at things for our home and we also made a pre-registry list so it'll be easier for us to look for things when we actually register for our wedding. That made things more real. :) I even drew sketches of the layout of our bedroom and living room...I know, I'm a dork. I'm just REALLY excited. Seriously. I've always wanted this and everyday I can't believe I finally have it. I don't mean to go on and on about how wonderful he is, but if anyone knows me, you know he's the perfect person for me when I tell you that he writes me love letters on an almost weekly basis. Doesn't have to be a holiday or month-versary...he just loves telling me how much I mean to him. The most recent one said "You are more beautiful than the sunset over the ocean and more graceful than an angel in heaven." I know, I know...sappy stuff, but I LOVE IT! :) There's just something about someone looking at you in the eyes and brushing the hair out of your face and telling you how gorgeous you are or how you are the "best girl in the whole world." It never gets old...NEVER. It makes my heart smile every time I hear him say it.
The hardest part of our relationship is the distance between our houses. We're 45 minutes away, which isn't terrible, but it's definitely not easy on the mileage for our cars. And he can't be home too late so he has to always leave an hour early to make it home on time. So that definitely cuts into cuddle-time. We said that when we're married we won't take holding each other while we sleep for grant it because of the months and months of not having that. It'll all be worth the wait. Every minute of it!
If you can't tell, he's on my mind....A LOT. But I honestly wouldn't have it any other way. He's my gift from God and I will forever be thankful. Aside from Paul, I've been thinking about my career path a lot. God's sending me signs and leading me to where He wants me. Right now, I'll be a receptionist. Learn the ropes of an office. Probably for a few years until Paul gets done with school. Then we'll see where God needs me. It's not about me anyway. I've got the man of my dreams...I'm sure He'll be able to pull some strings for me financially and bring me something that I enjoy doing and am good at. Acting remains in my life, but only to glorify God and to help teach His people more about Him. Other than that, I really don't think I need to continue pursuing fame or recogntion for my talents. That only led to pride anyway and a huge ego. I've gotten enough applause over the years...I know what it sounds like. And it's funny because God's applause is so much better than tens of thousands of people. "Well done, thy good and faithful servant." I want to hear that more than anything else. I want to know I used my life to change others' lives. They aren't my talents to begin with...I didn't make them. I didn't create me. Why would I take ownership of something I didn't create? So I'll listen to what He's telling me and keep living my life one day at a time.
Have a blessed weekend!
Peace & Love.
Life has been utter polka dots and moonbeams. I fall in love with Paul more and more every day, I'm growing deeper in my faith, and I'm being showered with blessings everywhere I turn! New car, new designer purse, ultra-clean room, good times goofing around with my fiance in the church parking lot....you know, the usual.
My unemployment is coming to an end as I start my new job on the 16th! I'm so excited to do something more than clean my room and surf the internet during the day!
I've been anticipating our marriage more than usual lately. I started looking at things for our home and we also made a pre-registry list so it'll be easier for us to look for things when we actually register for our wedding. That made things more real. :) I even drew sketches of the layout of our bedroom and living room...I know, I'm a dork. I'm just REALLY excited. Seriously. I've always wanted this and everyday I can't believe I finally have it. I don't mean to go on and on about how wonderful he is, but if anyone knows me, you know he's the perfect person for me when I tell you that he writes me love letters on an almost weekly basis. Doesn't have to be a holiday or month-versary...he just loves telling me how much I mean to him. The most recent one said "You are more beautiful than the sunset over the ocean and more graceful than an angel in heaven." I know, I know...sappy stuff, but I LOVE IT! :) There's just something about someone looking at you in the eyes and brushing the hair out of your face and telling you how gorgeous you are or how you are the "best girl in the whole world." It never gets old...NEVER. It makes my heart smile every time I hear him say it.
The hardest part of our relationship is the distance between our houses. We're 45 minutes away, which isn't terrible, but it's definitely not easy on the mileage for our cars. And he can't be home too late so he has to always leave an hour early to make it home on time. So that definitely cuts into cuddle-time. We said that when we're married we won't take holding each other while we sleep for grant it because of the months and months of not having that. It'll all be worth the wait. Every minute of it!
If you can't tell, he's on my mind....A LOT. But I honestly wouldn't have it any other way. He's my gift from God and I will forever be thankful. Aside from Paul, I've been thinking about my career path a lot. God's sending me signs and leading me to where He wants me. Right now, I'll be a receptionist. Learn the ropes of an office. Probably for a few years until Paul gets done with school. Then we'll see where God needs me. It's not about me anyway. I've got the man of my dreams...I'm sure He'll be able to pull some strings for me financially and bring me something that I enjoy doing and am good at. Acting remains in my life, but only to glorify God and to help teach His people more about Him. Other than that, I really don't think I need to continue pursuing fame or recogntion for my talents. That only led to pride anyway and a huge ego. I've gotten enough applause over the years...I know what it sounds like. And it's funny because God's applause is so much better than tens of thousands of people. "Well done, thy good and faithful servant." I want to hear that more than anything else. I want to know I used my life to change others' lives. They aren't my talents to begin with...I didn't make them. I didn't create me. Why would I take ownership of something I didn't create? So I'll listen to what He's telling me and keep living my life one day at a time.
Have a blessed weekend!
Peace & Love.
career plans,
lessons from God,
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