So, I got up before 1pm today...I even got up before 10am today! I know, I know...that's sad that I have to rejoice about that, but I have been sleeping an awful lot since November. And it's not healthy to spend that much time in bed. I am not a lazy person. So no more sleeping in. The end.
So why am I so excited, you ask?
I found the most beautiful song EVER and I'm going to sing it to Paul at our wedding reception. It's suitable for the reception, after the wedding ceremoney, because it talks about being man and wife. During the ceremony, we obviously aren't married yet, so it wouldn't make much sense. Paul's little bro Keith (also his best man in the wedding) plays the guitar and I found the guitar tabs online, so I'm gonna see if he can play it on acoustic. I'm not sure if he ever plays on the acoustic, but we've got about 11 months to pull it together. I'm soooo excited to get a chance to sing to him. I've always wanted to sing to my husband at our wedding. Always. I'd always joke around and think about breaking out in Linda Ronstandt's "Somewhere Out There" but this one is gonna be a serious song sung by Emily. It was featured on One Tree Hill, which is kinda funny in itself, but most of those shows feature really great music. It's a really awesome folkish/acoustic sounding song, which is my fave kind of song. I'm gonna keep it on the DL for a little while until it gets closer to the wedding and hopefully someone will record it on our wedding day and I can post it on here or on youtube or something. I seriously started singing it this morning, looking at his picture and my eyes started welling up really bad. I'm sure if I'm standing right by him, looking to his eyes, after we have just gotten married, I'm gonna be hanging on by a string trying to get through it.
As far as wedding planning goes, we are checking so many things off of our list left and right. We talked to Pastor last night (after our marriage bible study at church, which was a blast!) and he of course agreed to marry us. So now we have a minister and a church! Awesome! We have narrowed down our search for a vocalist, reception hall/caterer, bakery, invitations, color scheme, my wedding dress, bridesmaid dresses, flower girl basket and dress, center piece ideas, and hopefully a photographer (a friend of a friend). If you can't tell, the wedding is pretty much planned. I even found the wedding band I'd like to get him that matches mine pretty well with the white and yellow gold. I knew it wouldn't take us long, especially when I've been planning this thing since I was about 5 years old. Every girl dreams of her wedding. Barbie role-playing and all.
Anyway, I'm having a blessed day and I hope you are too! It was so lovely to wake up to the sun shining through my windows this morning...that hasn't happened in awhile. Maybe that is why I've been in the mood I have been in lately...the weather....who knows. Life is wonderful. The end.
Peace & Love my lovelies. :)
1 comment:
Oh the Barbie role-playing made me giggle. I don't know if I did that. hehehe! Marriage is a good thing. I'm very happy for you. GOD has brought you together and now GOD is planning the wedding, too. So I'm guessing you and I will both get married this year. If the LORD wills, but sure am planning, too. Anyway, you look so happy and in love with him which is awesome. GOD IS THE CENTER OF YOUR MARRIAGE! GOD BLESS YOU BOTH ABUNDANTLY! P.U.S.H.
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