We're checkin' off things left and right. We went to the baker's yesterday and picked up a pamphlet. We just have to schedule a quick appt. and let him know that this is what we want our cake to look like! I already bought that exact cake topper at Michael's and have rose petals gallore! Goodness I'm excited! The bakery even has FUNFETTI cake! :) You know that's what I want!

...as of right now I don't have any good pics of my new do just this one from my phone. But I got 5 inches cut off. I haven't had it this short since...2004? That's almost 5 good years of long hair that I HAD to keep because of headshots/auditions. Well guess what...the place that I perform now doesn't really care what my hair looks like! :) Paulie likes it a lot too. He said that it's the "new Emily Rose." He also said that I remind him of what I'll look like when I'm a mom. And that I shouldn't take offense of that because I'm gonna be a hot mom. LOL. He's silly.
Work's been kinda slow lately and this week, the patients have been down right hateful towards me. So much so, 2 of them brought me to tears. One after the phone call and one during. Jeezo peet people gotta take a chill pill! But I'm not letting that get me down. I keep putting one foot in front of the other and praising God that I even HAVE a job.
Thank the Lord it's Friday, that's all I'm sayin'! Have a great weekend!
Peace & Love.